March 9, 2010 — Many people ask me why they need to have a current resume when interviewing for a prospective job. There are many reasons to have a good resume, including passing the employer’s screening process, establishing you as a professional person with high standards and excellent writing skills, and boosting your confidence while clarifying your direction. The number one purpose of a good resume, however, is to win an interview. If your resume gets you in front of a prospective employer, then it’s an effective resume. A resume is an advertisement; nothing more, nothing less.
March 9, 2010 — Will a thank you note really make or break my chances of getting a job? Probably not in most cases, but why take the chance?
March 9, 2010 — Does your appearance really matter when you are dropping off an application? What are the rules of interview dress? This article explores some do’s and don’ts of interview attire and includes a checklist for putting your best foot forward.
March 9, 2010 — While a lot of people recognize the importance of following certain rules when writing a business letter, they often forget these rules when composing an email message. Just in case you have forgotten, here’s an email etiquette refresher!
March 9, 2010 — If only one interview is granted for every 200 resumes received by the average employer, how do you make sure to make the cut?
March 9, 2010 — Cell phone usage has been creeping its way into the workplace for sometime now. So what’s acceptable protocol for an employee to follow to make sure to stay hired?
March 9, 2010 — I am frequently asked by many employees, “How do I ask for a raise?” Asking for a raise requires preparation, skill, timing, and a fallback plan. It also can be a mind shift that many people must come to grips with: A pay increase in based on performance, the market, and your skills.